We have built one of the first ever created Spanish text user-level depression classifiers, which was trained with hundreds of Telegram posts and reached high accuracy.
An analysis of the number of women and men working in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) who are quoted in the written press in Spain between 2016 and 2020.
An overview of the biggest and still unsolved challenges in neuroscience. Article published in the wide-reach Spanish magazine “Muy Interesante”.
Talk about the neurobiological basis of memory, given at the cultural space ‘La Fábrica de Hielo’ in Valencia (Spain), as part of the ‘Beer and Science’ series organized by the Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research in the Valencian Region (Fisabio foundation)
A book about what science knows and what science still ignores concerning the minds and the brains of high-performing individuals and, in particular, their 3 hallmark attributes: intelligence, creativity and expertise. Included in the ‘Psychology and Neuroscience’ popular science book series of Spanish wide-reach newspaper EL PAIS.
A book about the neural bases of sensory perception in its various modalities and manifestations including the 5 traditionally dominant senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch) and some other less-known but still important sensorial capacities such as interoception (inner organ sensations) and others. Included in the ‘Psychology and Neuroscience’ popular science book series of Spanish wide-reach newspaper EL PAIS.
Common Molecules in Memory Formation and Congenital Intellectual Disability: a Role for the RAS-ERK-CREB Pathway in Cognition
In my PhD thesis, I described the role that several molecules within the signalling cascade that activates the transcription factor CREB (cAMP Response Element Binding protein) play in long-term memory formation. In humans and mice, mutations in the genes encoding for several proteins within such molecular cascade result in learning and memory deficits. Awarded an Extraordinary Doctorate Award.
A short review of some of the neural plasticity mechanisms that underlie memory formation and, in particular, those molecular processes that allow for a restricted set of synapses within the neuron to be selected and ‘tagged’ to undergo the modifications that sustain long-term memory of specific stimuli and experiences. Published in the prestigious ‘Journal of Neuroscience’.