Data and evidence-driven storyteller. Medical and science communicator and educator. Python programmer since 2020 (for process automation and data dashboard development) and in Machine Learning for predictive analysis since 2022.
Author of 3 popular science books (National Geographic, El Pais).
PhD in Neurosciences (CSIC-Miguel Hernandez University), Extraordinary Doctorate Award.
Postdoctoral research at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL).
He is a member of the Spanish Association for Science Communication (AECC), the Spanish Association of Medical Writers (AERTeM) and the Spanish Association of Health News professionals (ANIS)
Please find below a summary of my C.V. (more details on LinkedIn):
IBM Data Science
Professional certificate (44 weeks). IBM
Chief Scientific Officer at Xpeer Medical Education
Xpeer is a SaaS (Software as a Service) digital content platform that publishes Healthcare professionals’ continuing education videos. 2019-2022, Valencia (Spain)
Freelance science writer
2016-2018. Heidelberg, Germany