We have built one of the first ever created Spanish text user-level depression classifiers, which was trained with hundreds of Telegram posts and reached high accuracy.
Actividad: Articles
An overview of the biggest and still unsolved challenges in neuroscience. Article published in the wide-reach Spanish magazine “Muy Interesante”.
According to Rafael Yuste, father of the BRAIN project, it is now the moment to start thinking about establishing a proper regulatory framework to ensure that the neurotechnologies that will appear in the next years or decades are used in a safe and fair way
Scientists build microscopic nano-machines that can drill holes and destroy cancer cells in a test tube.
Given the rise of DIY brain stimulation home users, experts warn on existing risks and point to the importance of following safety guidelines.
Spanish scientist Francis Mojica receives a prestigious award for his discoveries regarding CRISPR/Cas9, a new and promising genome-editing technique.
A fun journey through the history of neuroscience.
Researchers discover neurons that use more than one chemical messenger, a finding that breaks an established rule.
A symposium held at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory unravels the key ingredients of human evolution: a complex brain, creativity and cooperation.